Hiking Hints (Learned the Hard Way)

*Always tell someone where you will be hiking, in case you don't come back!
*Always carry a cell phone. Most areas get cell coverage because many trails go along mountain tops.
*Always have a trail map of the hiking area. Many trails are very poorly marked.
*Don't wander off the trail. There is likely to be poison oak in the brush. Learn to recognize it, but remember it is still active in the winter when all it is a stick.
*Use a walking stick for steep trails. It saves strain on the knees and can double as a weapon if you encounter mountain lions or wild boar. (Which you most likely won't)
*Always take water with you.
*Use sunblock or you will end up looking like a piece of rawhide.
*Keep granola bars or other non-perishable snacks in your pocket or backpack.
*Have a jacket with you that can be tied around your waist in case of chilly weather.
*Ibuprofen is an essential item for your pocket also.
*In cold weather kleenex comes in handy for your nose. It's an essential for women too on long hikes with small bladders.
*A pedometer is a fun item to use so you can brag to your friends about how far you walked!
*Leave enough time so that you will not be caught with the sun setting and you're still out on the trail.
*Avoid walking through tall grass. Ticks love to wait on a stalk of grass and jump on your leg as you pass. Ticks infected with Lyme disease have been found in the Santa Cruz Mountains and other areas of California. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. (A tick remover is a handy device for your backpack.)
*If you do encounter a Mountain Lion, calmly repeat "nice kitty, kitty" while backing away slowly.
*Be careful where you sit and put your hands, especially around sunny rocks. Rattlesnakes like to sunbathe there and will resent your intrusion. (A snake bite kit is another handy item to carry.) By the way, you probably won't die if you get bit by a rattlesnake.
*One of the most important items to carry is Chapstick. Huffing and puffing uphill can really dry out your lips.
*Sucking on hard candy can help with a dry mouth from all that huffing and puffing too.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge Hike

On Saturday, May 10, 2008, we helped Andrea celebrate her birthday by hiking across the Golden Gate Bridge, walking down into Sausalito, having a wonderful lunch at Scoma's, sailing back to San Francisco on the Ferry boat, then walking along the waterfront all the way from the Ferry Building, along the Embarcadero, along the Marina, across Chrissy Fields, through the Presidio and up the stairs back to the Golden Gate Bridge. 9.6 miles of walking, the last 5 miles against a 40 mile an hour head wind. One has to suspect that any activity that is exhausting, yet rewarding, must somehow be connected to Bob Wrathall. This was his brain child and we wish he had been there to "enjoy" it.

We started out from the south parking lot at about 11:00 a.m.

We ran head on into 7500 Girl Scouts who were also crossing the bridge!

The day started out slightly foggy.

This is really out of order! One of the sights we saw along the Embarcadero.

Jan and Dan in Sausalito

Rock Balancing in Sausalito

Don't breathe hard.

Fort Baker on the Marin side of the bridge.

One of the fun street artists at Fisherman's Wharf

One of Columbus' ships, the Nina. (Ok, it's a replica)

Brad and Andrea ready to sail away on the Nina at Pier 23

Skyscraper across from the Ferry Building

The Coral Princess sailing under the Golden Gate

Brad and Dan getting ready to ascend the stairway back to the bridge

The view of the bridge as we arrived back at the car at 5:00 p.m. and the view of the city below.


Gail said...

Okay, that was painful to look at! I miss SF a LOT. alas, I am glad you had a fabulous time despite the wind and girl scouts. I have to say, you are looking so incredibly YOUNG and slim and fabulous. Brava.
Great photographs too :o)

Shellee said...

You really do look great.

Seriously- are those rocks really balancing? Thats more incredible than the street performers. If I did that hike, I would have stopped for a crab sandwich by the embarcadero. yum.